5 Healthy Social Media Habits
Do you want to develop healthy social media habits? This article can help!
As a society, we are very attached to our phones. Since social media has become such an integral part of our lives, we usually don’t realize how much time we waste scrolling through our feeds daily. Can you remember a day when you didn’t send a tweet or liked a photo online? This over-dependence on social media can cause harm to its users.
According to a study published in the Journal of Mental Health, social media impacts users’ mental health. Liking, commenting, sharing, and uploading are activities that take up a lot of our time. The truth is that people usually only post their best moments online – as a result, we only get to see the flashy and elegant photographs that others have posted. The harder, less glamorous things they go through in their daily lives remain hidden. Consequently, we can start feeling like our lives are not as good as the ones we view digitally.
Social media is beneficial in many ways; it allows people to share ideas, connect with people all over the world, spread awareness, and entertain us. To foster the positive effects of the digital world, we have to focus on building healthy social media habits. This article will talk about how to use social media constructively while simultaneously taking care of your mental health. Before we get to the tips, let’s review the hazards of improper social media use:
- Social Media Stress: The constant use of your phone can negatively impact your life. You may become overly attached to your phone and feel stressed when you attempt to put it down. You may also feel anxious about getting a certain amount of comments or views on your posts. When you post a picture and it receives fewer likes than usual it can be a huge blow to your self-esteem and worth.
- Constant Comparison: We all are guilty of comparing ourselves to others online. Remember that social media is not reality – just because someone is smiling in their instagram post doesn’t mean they are smiling on the inside. When you compare yourself to others, you start to feel bad about your own life and experiences. This comparison is robbing you of appreciating the precious moments of your life.
- Missing out on Life Offline: When you are so consumed with the digital world, you might miss what is happening around you. It is great to stay connected online, but don’t let your scrolling stop you from making memories and connections in person. the internet will always be there, but the moments of our lives are fleeting.
- Anonymity and Animosity: The internet allows people to do or say whatever they want. As a result, some people feel like they can comment mean or hurtful things on social media platforms with no consequences. People also can adopt fake identities and scam innocent people for their money, private information, and more. Remember to always be careful and cautious when using social media!
Now that we covered the negative effects of social media misuse, let’s get into some ways to use social media more beneficially:
- IMPLEMENT A DIGITAL DETOX DAY: One great way to develop healthy social media habits, is to do a digital detox! This detox can be very beneficial! When you are constantly on social media, your mind remains in active mode. Your nerves never get the calm that’s needed to relax and sleep. As a result of this excessive screen time, you feel sleepy and lethargic during the day. So, once a week at least, have a digital detox day by putting your phone away and spending time with loved ones in real life.
- STOP LETTING COMPARISON STEAL YOUR JOY: When you see other people post about their thriving lifestyle or success, you can start feeling bad about your own situation. This comparison can start harming your confidence or relationships with others. For example, you start blaming your partner for not making enough money to treat you or take you to fancy dinners like you see other couples do online. This comparison causes arguments and disappointments in your relationship. Stop comparing yourself and your life to the ones you see on your feed! Remind yourself that you are on your own unique path. You will accomplish your goals and dreams at the right time! Stop striving for a perfect life – this will only cause you stress and an overall feeling of disappointment.
- SCHEDULE YOUR SCROLL: Likewise, it is always advisable to make a schedule for your social media usage. If you notice that the constant scrolling of social media is affecting your functionality, try this method. For example, plan to set aside 20 minutes for Instagram, 10 minutes for Twitter, 30 minutes for LinkedIn, or 15 minutes for Snapchat. This technique can help you curb your social media usage and save yourself from its hazards.
- SPREAD POSITIVITY: One great tip for creating healthy social media habits is to spread some positivity around! Be the change you wish to see in other people’s lives, or in this case, feeds. Spread optimism and take pleasure in your social media experience by posting motivational images or videos. You can be making someone else’s day better with your posts!
- SOCIALIZE WITH PEOPLE OFFLINE: Stop scrolling for a second, and appreciate the people around you. How many times do you use your cell phone when you are with loved ones? When you are spending time with friends, you may not be fully present because you are tuned into the virtual world. Sitting with them absent-mindedly and trying to spend genuine quality time with them are two very different things. Start being mindful of your time and cherish the moments spent with your loved ones. Detach from your phone and immerse yourself in the present!
Overall, social media has many positive and negative factors. Since we live in a society immersed in its use, it is beneficial to find healthy ways of navigating these platforms. I hope this article helped you learn more about social media healthy habits and makes you enjoy your daily scroll more!